IELTS 360 | Band Calculator

by Md shah Samir



A simple app on IELTS to convert your marks to band score. IELTS band score calculator feature has been integrated with a lot of additional features as well. IELTS marks are easier now to convertšŸš€Features:1. Reading marks to Band score.2. Listening marks to Band Score.3. Total Bands score depending on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking score.4. Tips and Trick for all parts of IELTS.What this app can do for you?1. You can convert your marks to Band score.2. There is a RESULTS section where you can find your marks and scoresyou have converted.3. When you getting prepared for IELTS at home this app will help you to find out your weakness with section-wise result storing.4. There are cool Tips and Tricks that can help you to get a good band score and easily get rid of your weakness in any skill such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening.To verify all marking guides are according to genuine IELTS guideline visit : This App